
Showing posts from February, 2018

Autumn's Birth Story: Walking Miracles

Walking Miracles     We’ve all heard of walking miracles. Some people may have seen them first hand, while others have heard of people witnessing them. Of course when you think of us all in perspective, we're all miracles. I truly believe my daughter and I are both here by the grace of God; walking miracles. It's taken me awhile to finally sit down and actually be ready to share with the world our birth story. It's been such an emotional roller coaster but I’m ready. Please know that before you read this I am in no way trying to force God onto anyone by any means. But HE IS REAL.      Ever had a dream or seen a movie where someone actually sees that bright white light. I’ve seen it…But my story wasn't over I had a purpose here on Earth. To be a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend but things happen. Things that won't make sense and questions that you feel are left unanswered. Like why do things like this happen and while I may not have t